
I just reinstalled Red Hat 8.0 on a machine on our NIS network. First of all, the 8.0 machine won't boot from the hard drive. LILO stalls at "LI". Fortunately, it does boot from the boot diskette. The bigger problem is its NFS behavior. It doesn't appear to be properly exporting its partitions. Its /etc/exports looks like this:

/dallas (rw)
/sigourney (rw)
/sigourney2 (rw)

The mount points on the other machines are the same names as the exported partitions. exportfs on the 8.0 machine and "mount -a" on the other machines seems to go fine. But then if I try to access these NFS-mounted partitions from the other machines, it says permission denied. I can do a cd to these mount points, but I can't do an ls or anything else. Not even a df. I've tried restarting nfs, xinetd, portmap, everything I could think of to get these partitions accessible by the other machines. I've modified /etc/hosts.allow on the 8.0 machine to this:

in.telnetd: LOCAL
in.ftpd: LOCAL

ALL : 192.168.230.
swat: 192.168.230.

But it still won't share its partitions. df on the other machines looks like this:

Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2 7546410 4920020 2235208 69% /
/dev/hda1 388570 16241 352250 5% /boot
/dev/sda4 3912254 475507 3234328 13% /ash
/dev/sdb4 16813861 12993986 2944333 82% /ash2
none 192016 0 192016 0% /dev/shm
jonesy:/dallas 0 1 0 0% /dallas
jonesy:/sigourney 0 1 0 0% /sigourney
jonesy:/sigourney2 0 1 0 0% /sigourney2
sulaco:/gould 37760624 34862768 979696 98% /gould
kcsa:/potassium 38472404 28959880 7558220 80% /potassium
deckard:/usr/msi 6048320 4315456 1425624 76% /usr/msi
deckard:/home 73885216 19798648 50333392 29% /deckardhome
deckard:/data 67274968 38978328 24879216 62% /deckarddata

jonesy, the 8.0 machine, is just not sharing its partitions. Before reinstalling 8.0, when jonesy was running 7.2, it exported its partitions /dallas, /sigourney, /sigourney2 just fine. What else can I check?

Finally, I was trying to compile xfce-3.8.18 on the 8.0 machine. During configure, I got a message saying that glib-config couldn't be found. Indeed, it's not in /usr/bin like with our other 7.2 machines. How do I fix this? Thanks,


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