On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, Will Phipps wrote:

> I am trying to set up Squirrelmail with apache.  Do I have to set up the
> /usr/var/squirrelmail directory as a virtual host in apache?  What is it
> that I have to do to make it show up when I access
> www.mydomain.com/squirrelmail from the web?  I am using RH 8.0 and have
> not changed the way the RH 8.0 setup installs/configures squirrelmail.
> FYI, I have IMAP and sendmail up and running, as well as a website
> (running as the defualt virtual host) with apache.

Have you tried www.mydomain.com/webmail? That's the default alias. If you
want it to be /squirrelmail instead you can change it in

Simply change "Alias /webmail /usr/share/squirrelmail" to
"Alias/squirrelmail /usr/share/squirrelmail"


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