> When I try to access www.mydomain.com/webmail and 
> http://localhost/webmail with Mozilla I get the following error 
> message in a dialog: www._default_.com could not be found.  Please 
> check the name and try again.

And other pages on www.mydomain.com works fine? I have no idea what that
error message means. Have you made any other changes to httpd.conf?

> Yes, that file exists.  And, yes it contains the alias:
> Alias /webmail /usr/share/squirrelmail

And the directory /usr/share/squirrelmail exists and contains the
squirrelmail files?


I figured out something that might be causing the problem.  When I goto
www.mydomain.com/webmail/ (with the trailing "/").  It works fine.  I
noticed that in the httpd.conf file it warns you that "if you use a
trailing "/" on the alias then you need to use the trailing "/" when
visiting the web page.  However, I deleted the trailing "/" in
httpd.conf and restarted httpd and it still will not work without the
"/".  Also, I looked in squirrelmail.conf and it did not have the
trailing "/" in the alias.  Have you seen this issue before?  Do you
know of anything else that could be causing the problem?  

Will P.

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