On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 17:12, Daevid Vincent wrote:
> I'm loving my new Dell i8200 notebook computer, and adding 512MB to the
> stock 128MB was a HUGE improvement, however I'm noticing that while
> WindowsXP (home) seems to just fly along and IE opens up quickly,
> Outlook running all the time, trillian, HomeSite, etc... 

Internet Explorer is tied to the operating system and therefore is
pretty much already running when you call it - that's why IE starts so
fast on Windows systems.

> The RedHat 8.0 side of things is pokey as hell. Just having mozilla
> running takes like a minute for it to load?! Then if I add in "Quanta"
> or "Star Office", forget it.

Star Office is very slow at loading. It's also only at V1.0
I suspect the Star Office coders are fixing functionallity issues more
right now rather than looking at shortening the startup time.

I'm not familiar with Quantra so I can't comment on that.

Mozilla doesn't take anywhere near a minute to load on my system (900
MHz Athlon w/ 128 mb ram)

As far as outlook running "all the time" - I have Evolution started when
I start my XSession (I use WindowMaker) - thus, it too is running "all
the time" - no problems.

Evolution does take a little while to start, though - perhaps because I
use WindowMaker and not gnome (it's a gnome app - and some shared
libraries it uses probably get loaded when gnome starts - but I don't
use gnome).

But I have it set to start in the second workspace, so it doesn't bother
me - but is there whenever I need it.
>  I got this to be a mobile workstation so
> that I could get my PHP/mySQL coding done anywhere. But as it stands,
> it's not working out so well that way. It takes too long to do anything.

I'm sorry - I find that a wee bit hard to believe.
I did php/MySQL web devel on a IBM Thinkpad 600 (233 Mobile PII - I
think 160mb ram - might have been 96) and it worked just dandy.

I ran apache on it with mod_php and I ran MySQL on it.
I used Mozilla to view the output of my code and NEdit to write the
actual code.

You can get a .pats file for NEdit that does php syntax highlighting.

Then again - I wasn't using gnome or kde. They took too long to startup.
I used straight up WindowMaker.

> It's embarrassing. I thought that Microsoft was always writing bloated
> software, but now I'm starting to doubt that.  I could add another 512MB
> RAM (it's only like $175), but I'm not sure that is the problem, is it?
> Why wouldn't 684MB on a 2.0Ghz P4 be more than enough for what I'm
> doing? 

You might want to use a lightweight window manager - though with a P4
and your ram - I don't think that's your issue.

Make sure you have DMA enabled - sometimes its not enabled - and it
*really* speeds things up, especially if you swap.

> Suggestions?  I've already reduced the amount of RAM that mySQL uses and
> Apache uses, but I don't know what else to do.

Got news for you - when apache and mysql are idle, not doing anything
(responding to querries) they don't use squat of your ram.

But I'm real curious - what did you do to "reduce the amount of RAM that
mySQL and Apache uses" ??

Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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