That's interesting. I just tried upgrading a 7.3 machine to 8.0 with a FireWire card. The upgrade seemed to go OK, but then the machine wouldn't boot up. The boot stalled at the FireWire controller. After reomving the FireWire hardware, the machine boots up fine now.

Christopher Henderson wrote:
Alright - I found out what the problem was.  FYI my system is a dual-athlon
machine with 512 megs of DDR RAM and SCSI HDs.  Under RH 8 I was experience
stability issues but *not* under Windows XP.  So I saw that the DP 2 of
FreeBSD 5 was released, downloaded it, installed it and stability there was
also fine - even after recompiling the kernel for SMP support.  Previously
under FreeBSD 4.x the same sort of problems that plagued me under RH 8
showed up.  I thought that was curious and tried installing the previous
release of Red Hat (7.3) and it too was also highly stable.  I then saw what
was different - my Firewire card wasn't detected/supported in Red Hat 7.3
but was in 8.0 and when I commented out that device module my system under
Red Hat 8 has been stable ever sense - so it was Firewire.  Wacky - am I the
only person to have stability problems concerning Firewire hardware?

Thnx everyone for your patience with my rant and your help!


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