John Reinard wrote:

On Friday 22 November 2002 20:10, Walker Aumann wrote:

"Christopher Henderson" wrote:

Arg! I'm never going to buy AMD again....and I hate having to say that =
'cause I love rooting for the under dog - part of the reason why I love =
Linux so much - but geezus fucking kriest is my system ever unstable! I =
have a dual Athlon mobo and under every o.s. I've tried (Linux (2.2 and =
2.4 series kernels) FreeBSD (4.x) and Windows (2K and XP) I get crashes.
= I've updated the damned bios, I've looked every where and come to the =
conclusion that I'm not the only one. Its my damned chipset apparently.

This is odd. We have two dual Athlons using the 760MP chipset and
AthlonMP 1200 CPUs with no such problems. No unexplained lockups ever,
and they've been running for well over a year now. Tyan Thunder K7


I had an AMD (I'm not sure of the chipset), I gave the box to my son, it would reset, lock up and sometimes wouldn't even boot. Turns out I had bad memory installed. Since replacing the memory, the box has worked without a hitch....just something I thought I'd share with you........


I have two single processor Athlon systems that are running Win2K, WinXP, Redhat, and FreeBSD and haven't had any problems (other than the ones I've caused myself).

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