On Friday 22 November 2002 20:10, Walker Aumann wrote:
> "Christopher Henderson" wrote:
> > Arg!  I'm never going to buy AMD again....and I hate having to say that =
> > 'cause I love rooting for the under dog - part of the reason why I love =
> > Linux so much - but geezus fucking kriest is my system ever unstable! I =
> > have a dual Athlon mobo and under every o.s. I've tried (Linux (2.2 and =
> > 2.4 series kernels) FreeBSD (4.x) and Windows (2K and XP) I get crashes.
> > = I've updated the damned bios, I've looked every where and come to the =
> > conclusion that I'm not the only one.  Its my damned chipset apparently.
> > =
> This is odd.  We have two dual Athlons using the 760MP chipset and
> AthlonMP 1200 CPUs with no such problems.  No unexplained lockups ever,
> and they've been running for well over a year now.  Tyan Thunder K7
> motherboard.
> Walker

I had an AMD (I'm not sure of the chipset), I gave the box to my son, it would 
reset, lock up  and sometimes wouldn't even boot. Turns out I had bad memory 
installed. Since replacing the memory, the box has worked without a 
hitch....just something I thought I'd share with you........


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