On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 07:20:56AM -0600, Steve Strong wrote:
> the file exists and has the permissions you list.  I've re-installed the
> passwd package from the CD, this should be the original, yes?
> steve

You'd best also check the extended attributes via 'lsattr'.

Contrary to "common knowledge", I've had no problem "de-rootkit"ing
several cracked systems.  (OTOH, I've been working in Unix since 1980;
that may have something to do with it.)  Essentially, there are only so many
places to start programs; there are only so many critical commands they can
attack; and there are only so many ways they can hide their footsteps.

There are a few preparatory steps that are necessary.

        1.  Have a known good backup on disk somewhere.  NOT on a machine
            at risk.  (I actually run a 'tar' system backup on a
            per-partition basis to a network-mounted removabel drive.)

        2.  Squirrel away some critical commands.  At a minimum, tar,
            ps, ls, ifconfig, passwd, login, rpm.  Check that they don't
            need shared libraries--if they do, copy those, too.
            Keep chkrootkit in the 'safe' location(s), too.

        3.  Run chkrootkit daily on at-risk systems.  Also, daily check for
            'strange' files in /tmp and /usr/tmp.  These will commonly be
            .files (e.g., .local).

        4.  At the first sign of trouble--something behaves 'funny',
            strange files, or a complaint from chkrootkit--take the system
            off-net and start your security audit.  Injection points
            are /etc/rc.d, /etc/inittab, and the various crontabs and
            at jobs--this is where they'll try to start and re-start their
            own programs.

As of step (4), the job shifts from mechanics to artform.  They'll try
to preserve the time/date stamp on normal commands such as 'ps',
but commonly will fail to catch everything--especially in rc files or
their own temp directories.  Once you can nail a date and hour, search
the whole system for any file created or modified on that date/time.
Your logs will, generally, be worthless unless you've also sent them to
another system (which should be firewalled) and/or to a hardcopy printer
or write-only media.  Run RPM to validate packages.  And especially look
for anything with attributes set via 'chattr'.  Virtually _nothing_ uses
this in a stock system--any set attributes are warning signs that they've
been there.

The whole process takes me ~60-90 minutes.  Oh, and if you've good
outbound rules on your firewall, they often can't clean up neatly.
I've caught IP addresses and destination mail addresses and machine
FQDNs this way, too.

        Dave Ihnat

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