On 11 Dec 2002, Bret Hughes wrote:

> format is ./bc.test.sh 'math equation'
> i.e. ./bc.test.sh (2+2)*3
> [bhughes@bretsony bhughes]$ bc.test.sh (2+2)*3
> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(2+2)'
> [bhughes@bretsony bhughes]$ 
> [bhughes@bretsony bhughes]$ bc.test.sh '(2+2)*3'
> 12

by the way, it's a *really* bad idea to use parentheses
this cavalierly -- you know they're a shell metacharacter,
don't you?  and that they will be processed inside double
quotes, but not single quotes.  which is why the unexpected
token error.


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