On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Ryan wrote:

> I've been somewhat disappointed with the quality of the conversion of 
> Office documents into native *nix documents by most of the decent GUI apps 
> (Kword, Staroffice, Openoffice, etc.).

Are you expecting perfection ? There is no such thing! You want more ?
What have _you_ done to solve your problems ? 

> Is everyone with me on this?  It's a current barrier holding me back from a 
> complete dump of everything M$, and I know each new version of the MS 

Then don't. Is as simple as that! Is nobody's fault that _you_ choose to
keep your docs in an closed and proprietary format. Nobody's forcing
you to "dump of everything M$".

> Office data formats incorporates an even more closed, corrupted, arcane 
> (and unstable!) system to prevent easy translation.

Exactly, AFAIK even Microsoft's own Word had some troubles importing from
one version to another.

> I'm sure M$ doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of Samba, but if RedHat 
> really wants to take over the desktop market share, isn't decent document 
> import one of the first requirements in a sea of nonstop incoming .doc's on 
> email (another issue)?

In other words: "If you want me to come on your side then Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!"

Instead of moaning at what OpenOffice does not, better be amazed at what it _does_!

AFAIK the Microsoft "doc" format is completely closed and there has been a
tremendous effort to reverse engineer it and have what you already see.

Ryurick M. Hristev mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems Manager
University of Canterbury, Physics & Astronomy Dept., New Zealand

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