On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 15:32, Michael A. Peters wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 08:30, Ed Wilts wrote:
> > That's naive.  The vast majority of us have absolutely no control over
> > somebody else's desktops.  What if you decided to start sending me MS
> > Word documents?  Are you going to let me change your desktop?  What
> > about my customers?
> > 
> > We need good conversion tools, that's all there is to it.  We need to
> > play in their world, not assume world domination by making them change.
> Just for the record - the only time I've had trouble with MS Word
> documents in Open Office - if I export FROM OPEN OFFICE to html - it
> displays fine in Mozilla.
> But anyway - before I had Open Office I would send the person a tactful
> e-mail explaining that I could not read their document because I do not
> have Microsoft Office, and asked them to save it as html.
> They do with no issues.
> -- 
> Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I figure that with all the countries beginning to endorse and distribute
Linux on a widescale basis that this will be a non-issue in 3 or 4 years
because Microsoft will have to try to make their office suite compatable
with standard formats in order to be competitive in the massive
emerging markets of India, China and Africa.

So in the meantime I have stopped being so anti-microsoft, and use
CodeWeavers Crossover Office product to use MS Office 2000 on my Linux
Desktop, it works just fine.


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