On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 21:09, Warren Sypteras wrote:
> Well one way to find out is by using the find command to print out files
> that have root execute permission only.  That's gonna be a big list. 
> You could also browse through section 8 of the man pages which typically
> contain admin commands.  It won't list all root commands but it probably
> covers most of what you're looking for.
> Warren

Got me curious.  More than I thought.

I think this does it.

[bhughes@bretsony bhughes]$ su -
[root@bretsony root]# find /  -perm +u+x -user root ! -perm -o=x|wc -l
find: /proc/3131/fd/4: No such file or directory
[root@bretsony root]# find /  -perm +u+x -user root |wc -l
find: /proc/3133/fd/4: No such file or directory


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