On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 15:15, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
>     Okay, someone tell me this makes sense, and is possible...please.
>     I have three servers that are all reachable on the net (they need to 
> be, they're public machines.)  Out of the three, one of them acts as a 
> backup server for the other two - they dump files to it which then gets 
> dumped to tape.  However, these machines sit on two separate ports on 
> our router, and even on different subnets.  Consequently, whenever I 
> transfer files across them, it's rather inefficient, going out the 
> router then back in on the other subnet / port.  Now, since the physical 
> machines are sitting right next to one another, I thought I may be able 
> to do the following:
>     - Drop an additional NICs in the backup server, configured with a 
> private IP
>     - Drop an additional NIC in each of the other two servers, 
> configured with private IPs
>     - Put all these machines on a separate HUB or Switch
>     - NFS export the backup partitions from the backup server to these 
> private IPs, and mount them on the other two machines.
>     Theoretically I am now writing to the backup server through the 
> private network as opposed to going through the router...yes?  Did I 
> forget anything?  Is my logic flawed somewhere?  Will the normal flow of 
> traffic (with valid, public IPs) be interfered with at any point?  Will 
> packets start getting confused and not know what device to use?
> -- 

Should work like a dream as long as you refer to the machines by thier
pricvate ip addresses or a diffent hostname set up in dns or hosts
file.If you are rich in nics but poor on hubs I guess you could put two
extra nics in the backup box and use xover cables to connect the two
other machines to it directly.  


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