On 20-Dec-2002/10:45 -0600, Ed Wilts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 11:22:23AM -0500, David Colburn wrote:
>> That said, the immediate case of proprietary Web site coding and
>> incompatible font collections seems to be pretty readily addressed.
>> 1.  Proprietary Web coding: When such a Web site is opened the RH user
>> should receive a pop-up that labels the site defective and recommends an
>> E-mail to the site Webmaster.  An automatic E-mail to some central site
>> that lists such defective Web sites and that dispatches a short list of
>> recommendations to Webmasters to fix their sites should also be built
>> in.
>I haven't laughed so hard in quiet a while.  You seem to be making the
>assumption that the webmaster will actually fix the problem!  In
>many/most cases, the webmaster does not have the software necessary to
>test different browsers, and many won't have the time.  After all, IE is
>so dominant that they can ignore the rest and not lose any sleep.

Webmasters might choose to ignore the issue. Managers might not. I try to
send notes like this to sales, marketing or other non-IT folks who have an
interest in potential customers being able to use the site. I point out
that Netscape and Mozilla are available for Windows and are easily
installed. If the incompatibiluity caused me to buy from another vendor, I
make sure to mention that too. Lost sales are not a big issue for
Webmasters, but they are a big deal to line of business types.

It's no guaruntee of action, but you have to start somewhere.

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3E>
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