> At my own company, our internal web site does not display properly in
> Mozilla/Netscape.  We've talked to our webmaster, and he simply says
> that IE is the company standard and to go away.  One day our CIO was
> doing a demo and fired up Netscape, only to have it screw up.  The web
> site is still broken to this day and this is a few years later.

As a former computer systems manager (CIO) my response is that your CIO
should be fired.  The fix is easy, the tools available for free on the
Internet, and the failure to build a cross-browser compatible Web site
evidence of gross incompetence.

> IE is where it's at, and if we can't be bug for bug compatible, then
> we're not going to achieve world domination.  
> -- 
> Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

IE once was a minority browser and given its security weaknesses and 
other design flaws it will be once again.  If we merely surrender to 
junk then we are doomed to more of it.

Meanwhile, we do need to map around the flaws, yet still shout and 
publicize them loudly so consumers are aware of the flaws and the 


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