On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Paul Kater wrote:

> I have just started wandering around in Redhat Linux 5.
> Apparently somewhere deep down in its gut is a program hidden
> to assist in getting an internet dial-up going.
> Can anyone help me into the right direction, or point me to the right Howto?

You didn't indicate whether 5.0 or 5.1.  In addition to the other
answers already give, in RedHat 5.1, you can use linuxconf, a new
utility for configuring your system, including all of networking the
stuff.  I've only just started playing with it.

/  Ray
Ray Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        | Unconditional Forgiveness & Love --
Chapel Hill NC, or Sutton Mills NH. |   The corner stones of coexistence.

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