On Sat, Jan 06, 2018 at 08:01:02PM +0100,
 Patrick Mevzek <p...@dotandco.com> wrote 
 a message of 77 lines which said:

> as soon as we add one RR through EPP, as James stated there is the
> question about all others.

Yes, and I clearly do not want to go into that: too complicated for

> There is even already an extension for that.  It had URN
> http://www.verisign.com/epp/zoneMgt-1.0 and I have the code
> implementing it in my client, but I do not find it anymore on
> Verisign website.

It is not in the IANA EPP extensions registry either.

> * I would like to see more explanations on what happens if a registrar adds a 
> on an existing domain name that have in-bailiwick nameservers and hence glues 
> in registry
> zonefile. Should the change be forbidden (until the registrar
> removes the nameserver objects) or just the glues just be removed?
> Then should the nameserver object be deleted too automatically?

There is also the fact that not everybody uses RFC 5732. Added as #7

> * Also what happens if the DNAME target is internal to the registry
> (same TLD)? Should the registry check the domain exists? What if
> the target has a DNAME record too?

Added as a MAY, like for the DNS tests

> I fear this can very soon go into the same rabbit-hole as the case
> of DNSSEC enabled transfers, and then you have only answers like the
> keepDS solution in frnic extension, or something along the standard
> keyRelay extension.

Yes. I do not intend to develop a new mechanism. Either the registry
policy forces all the clients to handle a set of mandatory extensions,
or we reuse the DNSSEC hacks.

> * I have mixed feelings about section 10.

It is copy-and-paste for RFC 5910, which is on the standards track.

> * On issue #3 and the issue of feature discoverability per domain, I
> do not think the EPP check command is appropriate for that. The
> DNAME record is not an object per se in the registry data model and
> hence no operations would apply to it.

The idea was not to use the DNAME record as the object but the domain
name, with an extension. Something like:


But I agree it is not necessary:

> I fear right now the best way is for a registrar to just try its
> create/update and mandate that the registry has a clear error essage
> in its answer

I agree.

> * On issue #5 I would prefer it stays with EPP terminology, so
> update+chg (not set) nodes.


> * On issue #6 I feel it not necessary for the client to explicitely signal it 
> wants the info back for the following reasons:

I agree also.

> If you really want to signal no data in all cases, you can also
> reply with an empty dNameTarget

Note that it is not permitted if we switch from EPP string to

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