On Sun, Jan 07, 2018 at 08:26:46AM -0500,
 John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote 
 a message of 20 lines which said:

> It can coexist with anything other than CNAME, NS/DS, or another
> DNAME, and you need A, AAAA, and MX records at the DNAME to do what
> many people wrongly believe that DNAME does.  See RFC 6672, sec 2.4.

You're right, of course. Sorry for the mistake. It may be because I
thought of only one use case (see below).

> Not to be oversnarky, but I'd want a field to upload a picture of
> the user shooting himself in the foot to demonstrate that he
> understands what DNAMEs will do.

Right. Warnings added

> I assume I missed a discussion of what problem this solves -- is it
> in the list archives?

Yes. Added to the future version of the draft but, basically, it is
draft-bortzmeyer-dname-root. Some people remarked that we don't even
have an EPP mapping for DNAME. It is not the biggest obstacle to
draft-bortzmeyer-dname-root but this new draft
draft-bortzmeyer-regext-epp-dname is an attempt to lift it.

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