On Mon, Jan 8, 2018, at 14:51, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> > * I have mixed feelings about section 10.
> It is copy-and-paste for RFC 5910, which is on the standards track.

You are not the first one giving me that explanation when I do a review.

I think however this is a weak argument. Even perfect RFCs have errata
and are then later on obsoleted by other RFCs. So nothing is set in stone,
and if there was an error before or anyhing that is just copied from one RFC
to another this does not make it true and not questionable again.

This is why I was asking you, as author, if you are behind the sentence
you wrote, and if so if you can explain why it is mandatory.

Because I do not understand it.

  Patrick Mevzek

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