Hi all,

I'm doing some RDAP programming and looking at the JSContact draft and
have a couple of comments.

1) Section 3 has some strong MUST language regarding JSContact and
EPP. As I'm reading it, I am trying to deduce what interoperability
problem is being mitigated but, at least to me, it is not apparent. If
there is some cardinality issue, I think the rules should be
generalized because RDAP is used by more than just the EPP registries,
most notably the RIRs but also Marc's space debris proposal.

If an EPP mapping is truly necessary, I think putting it in a separate
EPP mapping section would be better. Also, unless things will truly
break, the normatives should be SHOULD and not MUST.

2) I think Section 4 will actually hinder transition rather than help
it. If a server doesn't support JSContact, there are no amount of
query parameters that a client can send to make it do so. Therefore,
we should treat this like any other extension... server's just send it
if they have it.

If there is a desire to save hamster wheel time (i.e. bandwidth),
shouldn't we try to make use of the "subsetting" extension?

And if there is a desire to indicate a server has deprecated JCard
(YES!!!), perhaps a "jcard_deprecated" RDAP conformance value can be
used for that.

3) There is no support for section 3.2.3 of RFC 9082, specifically the
name search. The current pattern is "entities?fn=XXX". The use of "fn"
parameter is a bit unfortunate, but this draft should indicate how a
server supporting only JSContact maps this query.


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