Ookhoi wrote:

Yury Umanets wrote (ao):

No, it is not nornal case. It is pretty strange. Try the fllowing
bk pull
aclocall && autoheader && aitomake --add-missing && autoconf
make distclean
make install
ldconfig -v | grep reiser4

And let's see what happen

# ldconfig -v | grep reiser4

Empty (after fresh pull). I can provide the output of all the above
commands if you like (it's a bit large). Would that help you?

Yes, of course. Send me the all build output as a tar.gz

Oki, attached. Had to do it again as the first capture failed.

Looks like the problem is in line

gcc -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -g -W -Wall -Wno-unused -Werror -DPLUGIN_DIR=\"/usr/l
ocal/lib/reiser4\" -o debugfs.reiser4 debugfs.o ../../libreiser4/.libs/libreiser4.a ../../progs/lib
misc/.libs/libmisc.a /usr/src/reiser4progs/libaal/.libs/libaal.a -lncurses -lreadline

Your libtool has decided to link all binaries against static library ../../libreiser4/.libs/libreiser4.a. This library contains plugins code too. But, lnker was unable to find direct links to plugin symbols. That is because they do not exist, we're working with plugins by means of using interface structs for example, item_ops, which contains all methods of corresponding item plugin. So, linker did not include plugin symbols into result binary.

The cure ptobably is to install more recent libtool.

Yury Umanets

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