Ookhoi wrote:

Yury Umanets wrote (ao):

Ookhoi wrote:

But, are you able to build it successful? With what tool versions if
I may ask?

Yes, I'm able to build it. I'd say, currently you are one man
reiser4progs can't be built on box. And I don't know why :) Actulally,
log you've sent me contains intersting line:

checking how to recognise dependent libraries... unknown


I don't know what is it :)

Hm :-) I'll investigate tomorrow. I do hope I didn't waste your time on
something stupid ..
Of course no :) I've fixed few bugs thanks to you.

I'll let you know if I find out.


And if somebody (preferably with a debian sid system) is able to compile
the reiser4progs, please let me know if you have any idea what could be

Thanks and have a good night :-)


Yury Umanets

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