From the email below I realized I had forgotten to announce this. We will answer any question we can answer in half an hour for $25

More below.

Markus Törnqvist wrote:

On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 10:04:34PM +0200, Paul Wagland wrote:

Just a thought... Have you considered a "pledge" page? I.e, put up a list of features, and then allow people to "pledge" donations for when those features are finished. I for one would pledge 10USD for the repacker/disk optimiser, and yes, I know it isn't much, but you already have my donation for nothing :-) And, people often prefer to give money "to a cause".

Pass the hat around :)

Problem just is that the repacker is probably commercial for a reason.
The reason being that it provides income at a steady pace. If it were
"pledged" it would give some money, sure, but not at a steady pace.

I'm surprised if Hans hasn't given this some thought, being the logical
extension of the $25 helpdesk.

Maybe the biggest problem is safe money transactions. You don't just
deal to a foreign country, you deal out of the European Union.

And then there's this one country with a fairly large population that STILL hasn't moved beyond money checks. The one with fifty states.

I haven't been able to get a large enough amount from distros to support us (but thanks to Lindows for being a major help), and darpa sponsors research not resizers, so I am thinking I might try selling the resizer. Our fiscal situation remains quite awful, and the resizer might be a way to fund the enhanced semantics. I guess it is time to try the mixed model in which we sell base code that is better than winfs/ext3, and some non-essential addons (like a resizer, maybe some non-essentail plugins, etc., ) are for sale and they fund the free stuff. I really want to see free software work as a business, so I keep trying things. Governments are not really set up to fund free software effectively yet, they fund research which is not quite the same as products that are usable.

Support does not make much money, a few hundred a month..... hopefully us accepting visa cards will improve this.

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