Burnes, James wrote:

We got pretty good tools to restore from a hd with bad blocks.

dd it, loop it, fsck it.

Heh, heh. That won't help you if a circuit board, spindle, read head or other mechanism fails. Then you better hope the data wasn't *that* valuable or you know good platter recovery shop.

Backups are cheap.  Recovery is very expensive.  Ask the CIA ;-)

It's Hans and friend's responsibility to patch whatever looks like a
serious problem.  It's the user's responsibility to protect valuable
File system reliability after that is really a question of operational
downtime expenses etc.

If people don't trouble themselves to perform backups:

1. They have accepted that risk or
2. They are too junior to have ever lost a couple months worth of work
because they were too lazy or inexperienced to perform backups.
3. They don't have any work that can't be rebuilt in a matter of hours
(see #1).

(BTW: If Hans is a little tired of working on Reiser3 it's probably
because he is currently stressed out making last minute tweaks on
Reiser4 and managing his team.

Cut him some slack.  Email conversations don't show a number of things
we take for granted, like that fact that the person we're talking to
looks really tired etc.  Unlike ext3, XFS and JFS, Reiser isn't funded
by someone with huge pockets.)

Jim Burnes

It seems a bit more shows than I would like.

My wife just got some 75 year old female judge filling in during the christmas holidays for the regular judge to take my kids away from me, without me getting a chance for a response to the allegations, until a hearing in 25 days from now, because I show my son movies about world war II, and my exposing him to violent computer games is alleged to induce traumatic stress disorder which somehow has never been reproduced in front of me. Only in California.....

I shall be alleging that little boys take to violent computer games like monkeys take to trees, and challenging anyone to reproduce in front of me evidence to the contrary.

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