Hello again,

Thanks a lot for all the help, well ... I now use reiser4 as root-partition :-)

Everything works ok and I haven't seen any crashes or compatibility
problems, simply wonderful :-). If something bad happens I'll let you
know ;)

However performance is so-and-so, the system was faster with ext3,
although I compiled the kernel with "-O3 -march=pentium4
-mtune=pentium4 -mno-sse -mno-sse3". Booting the system into KDE takes
about twice the time, although I have to admit I was using another
harddrive - I now use a 60GB/4200RPM instead an 40GB/4200RPM which
both show quite the same hdparm-results,
I use the lzo1 plugin (default ccreg40).

Are there some settings (or ext3 optimizations) in FC6, or could it be
that some of my kernel-settings slow things down for FC6 (the same
compiled kernel-binary was already used for ext3). The
reiser4-partition is mounted with "noatime".

These are some features I could imagine causing problems:
* Inotify
* Adaptive file readahead + hit feedback + fine grained readahead aging
* Timer with 1kHz
* Readahead-script of the distribution

Thanks a lot, lg Clemens

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