WASHINGTON, July 28 — The Pentagon office that proposed spying
electronically on Americans to monitor potential terrorists has a new
experiment. It is an online futures trading market, disclosed today by
critics, in which anonymous speculators would bet on forecasting terrorist
attacks, assassinations and coups. [...]

The contracts traded on PAM (Poltical Analysis Market) will be based on
objective data and observable events. These contracts will be valuable
because traders who are registered with PAM will use their money to
acquire contracts. A PAM trader who believes that the price of a specific
futures contract under-predicts the future status of the issue on which it
is based can attempt to profit from his belief by buying the contract. The
converse holds for a trader who believes the price is an over-prediction –
she can be a seller of the contract. This price discovery process, with
the prospect of profit and at pain of loss, is at the core of a market’s
predictive power.

The DARPA FutureMAP program will identify the types of market-based
mechanisms that are most suitable to aggregate information in the defense
context, will develop information systems to manage the markets, and will
measure the effectiveness of markets for several tasks.  Open issues that
will drive the types of market include information security and
participant incentives.  A market that addresses defense-related events
may potentially aggregate information from both classified and
unclassified sources. This poses the problem of extracting useful data
from markets without compromising national security.  Markets must also
offer compensation that is ethically and legally satisfactory to all
sectors involved, while remaining attractive enough to ensure full and
continuous participation of individual parties.  The markets must also be
sufficiently robust to withstand manipulation.   FutureMAP will bring
together commercial, academic, and government performers to meet these

L'idea insomma e' la seguente. Usare la capacita' di predizione dei
mercati in materia di politica estera. Di piu' non capisco anche se
intuisco che si tratta di un salto di paradigma in questioni di sicurezza.
Basti leggere il mission statement del DARPA IAO (Information Awarness

The DARPA Information Awareness Office (IAO) will imagine, develop, apply,
integrate, demonstrate, and transition information technologies,
components, and prototype closed-loop information systems that will
counter asymmetric threats by achieving total information awareness that
is useful for preemption, national security warning, and national security
decision making.

Mi piacerebbe sentire l'opinione di chi e' piu' versato di me in materia
economica e politica. Qualcuno ?


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