Umphs ..
la proposta e' stata immediatamente sconfessata dai vertici politici e
ritirata dal darpa.

> WASHINGTON, July 28 — The Pentagon office that proposed spying
> electronically on Americans to monitor potential terrorists has a new
> experiment. It is an online futures trading market, disclosed today by
> critics, in which anonymous speculators would bet on forecasting terrorist
> attacks, assassinations and coups. [...]
> -
> The contracts traded on PAM (Poltical Analysis Market) will be based on
> objective data and observable events. These contracts will be valuable
> because traders who are registered with PAM will use their money to
> acquire contracts. A PAM trader who believes that the price of a specific
> futures contract under-predicts the future status of the issue on which it
> is based can attempt to profit from his belief by buying the contract. The
> converse holds for a trader who believes the price is an over-prediction –
> she can be a seller of the contract. This price discovery process, with
> the prospect of profit and at pain of loss, is at the core of a market’s
> predictive power.
> -
> The DARPA FutureMAP program will identify the types of market-based
> mechanisms that are most suitable to aggregate information in the defense
> context, will develop information systems to manage the markets, and will
> measure the effectiveness of markets for several tasks.  Open issues that
> will drive the types of market include information security and
> participant incentives.  A market that addresses defense-related events
> may potentially aggregate information from both classified and
> unclassified sources. This poses the problem of extracting useful data
> from markets without compromising national security.  Markets must also
> offer compensation that is ethically and legally satisfactory to all
> sectors involved, while remaining attractive enough to ensure full and
> continuous participation of individual parties.  The markets must also be
> sufficiently robust to withstand manipulation.   FutureMAP will bring
> together commercial, academic, and government performers to meet these
> challenges.
> L'idea insomma e' la seguente. Usare la capacita' di predizione dei
> mercati in materia di politica estera. Di piu' non capisco anche se
> intuisco che si tratta di un salto di paradigma in questioni di sicurezza.
> Basti leggere il mission statement del DARPA IAO (Information Awarness
> Office).
> -
> The DARPA Information Awareness Office (IAO) will imagine, develop, apply,
> integrate, demonstrate, and transition information technologies,
> components, and prototype closed-loop information systems that will
> counter asymmetric threats by achieving total information awareness that
> is useful for preemption, national security warning, and national security
> decision making.
> Mi piacerebbe sentire l'opinione di chi e' piu' versato di me in materia
> economica e politica. Qualcuno ?
> ___________________________________________

Vittorio Marchi
Art Science Research Laboratory
voice: 212 925 8812


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