
I forgot to mention something...

It probably arises from fink, but there is a file called 
"sconstruct.orig". The date goes back from my installation. This file is 
somewhat different from the new "sconstruct" file:

diff -u sconstruct.orig sconstruct
--- sconstruct.orig    2009-08-12 13:52:35.000000000 -0400
+++ sconstruct    2010-02-05 00:11:32.000000000 -0500
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
      SYS = SYSTEM

      # Mac OS X installation path.
-    INSTALL_PATH = sys.prefix + sep + 'local'
+    INSTALL_PATH = '/sw' + sep + 'lib'

  # All other operating systems.
@@ -115,16 +115,15 @@

  # Relax installation directory.
-RELAX_PATH = INSTALL_PATH + sep + 'relax'
+RELAX_PATH = INSTALL_PATH + sep + 'relax-py26'

  # Installation path for binaries.
-BIN_PATH = INSTALL_PATH + sep + 'bin'
+BIN_PATH = '/sw' + sep + 'bin'

  # Symbolic link installation path.
  SYMLINK = BIN_PATH + sep + 'relax'

  # The distribution files.

@@ -485,7 +484,7 @@
          if SYSTEM == 'Windows':
              cflags = '/nologo /I\"' + py_include_minpath + '\" /I\"' + 
numpy_path + '\"'
-            cflags = '-I' + py_include_fullpath + ' -I' + numpy_path
+            cflags = '-m32 -I' + py_include_fullpath + ' -I' + numpy_path

          # Relaxation curve fitting build environment.
          env = Environment()
@@ -500,7 +499,7 @@

          # Catch Mac OS X and send the correct command line options to 
the linker (these may become redundant as SCons improves).
          if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
-            env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-bundle', '-bundle_loader', 
sys.prefix + path.sep + 'bin' + path.sep + 'python', '-dynamic'])
+            env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-m32', '-bundle', 
'-bundle_loader', sys.prefix + path.sep + 'bin' + path.sep + 
'python2.6', '-dynamic', '-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup'])
              env['SHLINKFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('$LINKFLAGS')

          # Shared library prefix and suffix.

This (especially the "cflags" and "env" lines) might explain the 
compilation problem..?


On 10-02-22 10:23 AM, Sébastien Morin wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> Please see below...
> On 10-02-22 2:49 AM, Edward d'Auvergne wrote:
>> Hi,
>> See below:
>> On 21 February 2010 20:59, Sébastien Morin<sebastien.mori...@ulaval.ca>   
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just installed relax on a Mac using fink.
>>>       relax-py26    1.3.4-2    Protein dynamics by NMR relax. data analysis
>>> I also installed the dependencies using fink.
>>>       minfx-py26    1.0.2-1    The minfx optimisation library
>>>       numpy-py26    [virtual package]
>>>       python26    1:2.6.4-101    Interpreted, object-oriented language
>>>       scientificpython-py26    2.8-1    Python modules for scientific
>>> computing
>>>       scons    0.98.3-1    Python-based build tool
>>> I created a link in the relax directory pointing to the minfx directory:
>>>       minfx@ ->   /sw/lib/python2.6/site-packages/minfx/
>> This should not be necessary.  If there are any strange optimisation
>> issues, this should be the first place to look.
> In fact, if the link is not present, relax complains about minfx not
> being installed...
>>> I compiled the relaxation curve fitting modules using scons but got the
>>> following deprecation warnings:
>>> ========
>>> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
>>> /sw/lib/scons-0.98.3/SCons/Platform/posix.py:38: DeprecationWarning: The
>>> popen2 module is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
>>>     import popen2
>>> /sw/lib/scons-0.98.3/SCons/Tool/msvs.py:37: DeprecationWarning: the md5
>>> module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
>>> ========
>> These are ok.  Like most mac software ported for other Unix systems,
>> the versions are ancient and from the dark ages.  Scons released
>> version 1.2 in december, not of last year, but 2 years ago!  See
>> http://www.scons.org/.  Hence the warnings.  This is no problem
>> though.
> Ok...
>>> After, I launched relax but got the following warning:
>>> ========
>>> ImportError: dlopen(/sw/lib/relax-py26/maths_fns/relax_fit.so, 2): no
>>> suitable image found.  Did find:
>>>       /sw/lib/relax-py26/maths_fns/relax_fit.so: mach-o, but wrong
>>> architecture
>>> Relaxation curve fitting is unavailable, try compiling the C modules.
>>> ========
>> Try "scons clean_all" followed by "scons".  Does the file
>> /sw/lib/relax-py26/maths_fns/relax_fit.so exist?  This will be a
>> problem for curve-fitting!
> "scons clean_all" works fine and then, "scons" creates the
> "relax_fit.so" executable. The file type (obtained from the command
> "file") is as follows: "Mach-O bundle i386".
> Is it what it's supposed to be ?
> (I am really new to Mac...)
>>> Concerning the test-suite, there were nultiple errors:
>>>       System tests
>>>           4 failures + 20 errors
>>>       Unit tests
>>>           12 errors
>>> The unit tests errors were all the same:
>>> ======
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>     File
>>> "/sw/lib/relax-py26/test_suite/unit_tests/_generic_fns/_structure/test_scientific.py",
>>> line 54, in setUp
>>>       self.data = Scientific_data()
>>>     File "/sw/lib/relax-py26/generic_fns/structure/scientific.py", line
>>> 60, in __init__
>>>       raise RelaxError, "The Scientific python PDB module
>>> Scientific.IO.PDB could not be imported."
>>> RelaxError: RelaxError: The Scientific python PDB module
>>> Scientific.IO.PDB could not be imported.
>>> ======
>>> ...
>>> I guess all these errors are not normal...
>>> Any idea to help me debug this issue ?
>>> Thank you !!!
>> This is normal as Scientific python is not installed.  Maybe it would
>> be good to add a new section to the test suite listing the installed
>> and missing modules, and then disabling the relevant system and unit
>> tests (scientific-python, relax curve-fitting C modules, etc.) if
>> missing.  This will be a bit of work though, hence why I haven't done
>> it yet!  I would guess that all the failures are due to these 2
>> missing pieces, but it's hard to tell.
> Scientific Python is installed...
>       scientificpython-py26    2.8-1    Python modules for scientific
> computing
> Maybe, yes, it would be good to simply give a warning for missing
> dependencies and avoid the tests to be performed...
> Thanks for your insights !
> Séb
>> Regards,
>> Edward

Sébastien Morin
PhD Student
S. Gagné NMR Laboratory
Université Laval&  PROTEO
Québec, Canada

relax (http://nmr-relax.com)

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