Eugene pointed out that I was being a bit loose with my characterization of Reagan's proclamation -- the actual proclamation was for the Year of the Bible with statements about the Bible being a foundation of our Constitution and such.  It is, naturally, carefully worded with the most potentially objectionable statements being taken as quotes from others.

I was trying to find (in my papers from a case I handled in the 80s no less) the speech in which Reagan explicitly called the US a "Christian nation," but, with the  passage of time, was not able to find it -- I didn't keep much from that file when I left practice for teaching.

Here are a couple of webpages with the official proclamation and speeches from Reagan.

Sorry for the loose language on my part, but I think the sense is what I said it was -- but deniability reigns.


Prof. Steven D. Jamar                               vox:  202-806-8017

Howard University School of Law                     fax:  202-806-8567

2900 Van Ness Street NW                  


Washington, DC  20008

"Politics hates a vacuum.  If it isn't filled with hope, someone will fill it with fear."

Naomi Klein

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