Signs hung by the City of Boston?  Really?
In most cities I'm aware of, any such banners must be paid for by private parties -- with the exception of Christmas banners, which costs are borne by the city.
It's a big country, much more diverse than we realize sometimes, isn't it?
Ed Darrell

"Vance R. Koven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Don't know about Dallas, but they certainly do in Boston, especially
around the time of the gay pride parade.


On 3/4/06, Ed Darrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Alas, lack of understanding won't increase if such changes occur. Would it
> not be better to achieve a workable level of understanding rather than
> vitiate the laws that protect the ! freedoms we have?
> Is there no one who will step up to the podium and tell what the rights
> really are?
> And, by the way -- do you know of any city that has put up a gay pride
> banner? How many times has this happened?
> Ed Darrell
> Dallas
> Rick Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> I read the text of the Mo resolution, and what I read there between the
> lines is not so much the desire to make Christianity the national religion,
> but rather frustration caused by judicial decisions that appear to have
> cleansed religion ! from the public culture.
> For people who are not as sophisticated as constitutional law scholars, it
> is difficult to understand why a city can put up gay pride banners in public
> parks but not nativity scenes. Why public schools can celebrate Earth Day,
> but not Christmas.
> Why Chr! istian Charley has no Free Ex right merely to opt out of evolution in
> the curriculum, but Secular Sammy has a right--not only to opt out for
> himself--but to stop his willing classmates from even hearing about
> challenges to evolution such as ID.
> Interestingly, the frustration may be about to end. With recent changes on
> the Court (and! perhaps more to come this summer), I suspect that the Court
> will no longer be obsessed with eradicating even harmless, passive displays
> of religion such as nativity scenes, Ten Commandment displays, etc. Perhaps
> the "purpose" prong of Lemon may soon ! be gone, making it easier for school
> boards to adopt curriculum such as ID critiques of evolution and making it
> more difficult for dissenters to throw out harmless religious displays such
> as those eradicated in McCreary.
> Frankly, I don't think folks want Christianity to be the official religion!
> of America. I think they merely wish it to have a seat at the table, to
> allow Christmas as much a place in the public culture as Earth Day and
> National Coming Out Day.
> I think what is needed is a little less judicial government under the EC,
> and a little more democratic self-government at the state and local level.
> Cheers, Rick
> Rick Duncan
> Welpton Professor of Law
> University of Nebraska College of Law
> Lincoln, NE 68583-0902
> "When the Round Table is ! broken every man must follow either Galahad or
> Mordred: middle things are gone." C.S.Lewis, Grand Miracle
> "I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or
> numbered." --The Prisoner
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Vance R. Koven
Boston, MA USA
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