By a remarkable coincidence, I have been reading J. Budziszewski's wonderful book, The Revenge of Conscience: Politics and the Fall of Man, as the story about Catholic Charities has been breaking. It is a timely book to say the least.But it is also not a book for everyone; some of you will no doubt think it is "ugly" and "shameful" and even the "H" word.
But some of you may find it full of wisdom and understanding. It is one of those books which--about every two pages--I feel compelled to read a passage aloud to my wife. It is a book I want my children to read. It is a book that would make a great one for CLS chapters to study together on those law school campuses that still allow the CLS to meet. It is a book that would be great to teach (as at least one reasonable point of view) in a seminar on religious liberty and the sexual revolution.
I heartily recommend it to those of y! ou who care about traditional faith, and sin and its personal and social consequences.
Here is what First Things said about it: "A book to read alone and with others, and to give to those who have forgotten what they know." Michael Novak says J. Bud "writes on conscience--its masks, its evasions, and its willful self-deceptions--better than anyone in our time. A book to read and reread."
I know and like J. Bud, and I can't believe I didn't read this book years ago. Here is a link to Heartily recommended for those who know that there are truths that "we can't not know" no matter how hard we try to suppress them.

Rick Duncan
Welpton Professor of Law
University of Nebraska College of Law
Lincoln, NE 68583-0902

"It's a funny thing about us human beings: not many of us doubt God's existence and then start sinning. Most of us sin and then start doubting His existence."  --J. Budziszewski (The Revenge of Conscience)
"Once again the ancient maxim is vindicated, that the perversion of the best is the worst." -- Id.

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