We recently had a discussion in my jurisprudence class about the moral 
difference between doing an act and allowing it to happen. I know some people 
disagree, but I think there often is a real difference. In relation to paying 
taxes that support activities that a taxpayer finds morally or religiously 
reprehensible, I wonder whether it could make sense for the government to 
accommodate those concerns of conscience by setting up a kind of easy 
involuntary tax payment program. 
A taxpayer could inform the IRS that he or she declines to pay a portion of the 
tax that is due, in which case the taxpayer would be required to provide 
information on a bank account. The account could be a regular checking or 
savings account not specifically funded by the taxpayer for this purpose, but 
nevertheless on in which there are likely to be sufficient funds to cover the 
unpaid taxes. The IRS then would levy on that account, under a streamlined 
process that could be set up as part of the program, and collect the tax plus a 
fee or penalty (maybe 5% of the unpaid amount plus interest, say, from Jan. 1 
of the tax year) to cover the cost of the program and to provide a disincentive 
for casual use of it. So long as the account held sufficient funds to cover the 
amount of the levy, there would be no additional fees or penalties. 
Alternatively, a taxpayer could be required to notify the IRS before the 
beginning of the taxable year that he or she intended to refuse to pay some 
portion of the income tax due, and the IRS could collect an estimated amount in 
advance from such a bank account.
I realize that as a practical matter this could be hard to coordinate with tax 
withholding, and I would not support a program that could not be used by the 
typical wage earner. But perhaps something could be worked out. (I suppose the 
whole tax withholding system could be seen as a kind of involuntary payment 
program, under which the employer withholds amounts based on information 
provided by the employee, with the result that perhaps the employee could be 
seen as not acting to pay the tax. Maybe most of us therefore already have the 
kind of program I'm suggesting!)
In any event, I wondered whether list members think that such a program would 
provide any real relief for taxpayers whose consciences are violated by paying 
taxes for programs that violate their moral or religious beliefs. Is the 
requirement of funding a bank account and providing information so that the IRS 
can levy any less of a burden on conscience than a requirement simply to pay 
the tax? Would a truly conscientious objector to paying taxes for such 
government activities violate his or her conscience by providing information 
about the account or by placing/leaving enough money in the account to cover 
the IRS levy? Or is it really different to have the IRS take the money from you 
(even if you obeyed the law by making it easy for the IRS to do so) rather than 
paying it yourself?
[To relate this to current political issues: Would a person be effectively 
disqualified from service as a government official in a new administration 
(e.g., secretary of Health and Human Services in a 2017 Bobby Jindal 
administration) if the person had suffered such a tax levy for refusing to pay 
taxes to support a prior administration's activities (e.g., massive federal 
funding of human fetal stem cell or chimera research under the Obama 
Mark S. Scarberry
Pepperdine Univ. School of Law


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