There is much to be said for Steve’s point of view.

On the other hand, consider the implications. What about a teacher whose blog 
severely criticizes creationists (“I want to puke when I hear that Gov. Perry 
wants to have schools teach creationism) or who says that religion sickens him 
or who says that anyone who supports the Iraq war or that 911 was a US plot to 
justify invading Afghanistan and Iraq etc.? Doesn’t this also lead to a 
heckler’s veto, in which students who don’t like the teacher’s point of view 
will protest and then it will be claimed that the Pickering/Connick analysis 
justifies taking action against the teacher?

How would this work in the context of academic freedom in a university?

Mark S. Scarberry
Professor of Law
Pepperdine Univ. School of Law
Malibu, CA 90263
(310) 506-4667

[] On Behalf Of Steve Sanders
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 5:41 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Cc: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: Teacher suspended for anti-same-sex-marraige Facebook post

Doesn't this call for a straightforward Pickering/Connick analysis? I'm 
assuming Garcetti wouldn't apply, unless the teacher used Facebook to 
communicate officially with students. I lean strongly in favor of protecting 
the teacher's speech which, crude as it was, was clearly on a matter of public 
concern. So isn't the key inquiry whether the employer can demonstrate that 
this particular speech was harmful to the good order and discipline of the 
school? Seems to me there would be lots of facts we'd need to know. Was the 
post readable by anyone or just the teacher's Facebook friends? What's the 
climate for gay students at the school? Could it be argued that this post 
realistically (without the fuss caused by the suspension itself) would have 
caused harm to gay students or disrupted the school generally?

Steve Sanders
University of Michigan Law School

On Aug 18, 2011, at 6:56 PM, "Volokh, Eugene" 
<<>> wrote:
Any thoughts on this?

Lake County Schools Communications Officer Chris Patton said school officials 
received a complaint Tuesday about the content on Mount Dora High School 
teacher Jerry Buell's personal Facebook page .... CNN affiliate Central Florida 
News 13 reported that a status post on it said, "I'm watching the news, eating 
dinner, when the story about the New York okaying same sex unions came on and I 
almost threw up."

Patton would not confirm the content of the post, but he said Lake County 
officials are taking the matter very seriously.
"We began to review the code of ethics violations immediately and yesterday 
afternoon temporarily reassigned the teacher pending the outcome of the 
investigation," Patton told CNN Thursday....

The newspaper said that in the same July 25 post, Buell said same-sex marriages 
were part of a "cesspool" and were a "sin." ...

Buell, a teacher for more than 26 years [and a former “teacher of the year”], 
served as the Social Studies Department chair at Mount Dora and taught American 
history and government, according to the high school's website....
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