Alan, I'm not denying the sincerity of those who truly see this as a
religious liberty issue.  I'm just saying that there are also many people in
the political arena on this issue who are just crying crocodile tears.  My
concern is with the consistency of logic behind the argument from religious
liberty.  How do you feel about my hypo?  Can the government demand certain
standards of accepted medical practice in exchange for a flow of funds to a
religiously affiliated hospital?  If so, is that a more acceptable


[] On Behalf Of Alan Brownstein
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 11:25 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: Contraceptives and gender discrimination

Any legitimate issue can be manipulated politically. That doesn't stop it
from being a legitimate issue.


There is a religious left in this country. It frequently takes liberal
positions on culture war issues. Many of its members believe the
"contraceptive services" mandate raises a serious religious liberty issue.
Those of us who take this position certainly should be prepared to have our
views challenged on the merits. But it is more than a bit disconcerting to
be lumped together with Obama's opponents as "painting this as an assault on
religious liberty."


This issue has been litigated in state courts a decade ago. It was a
religious liberty issue than and it is a religious liberty issue now.


Alan Brownstein


[] On Behalf Of Steve Sanders
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 12:51 PM
To: 'Law & Religion issues for Law Academics'
Subject: RE: Contraceptives and gender discrimination


What if a hospital is run by a religious group that believes doctrinally and
sincerely in not using advanced technology or extraordinary interventions to
prolong human life.  In response, the government says, no, if you want to
receive federal funds, you'll employ conventional medical standards and
treatments.  This burdens the institution's religious liberty by requiring
it to use resources in a way that violates its religious principles, doesn't
it?   Yet in this case, it's highly doubtful that there would be any hew and
cry about the sect's religious liberty.


Obama's opponents and the Catholic hierarchy have done an effective job
painting this as an assult on religious liberty.  But let's be honest, this
is really about controversial (i.e., those that remain part of the culture
wars) v. non-controversial government mandates.  If a religious group
chooses to operate in the public sphere by running hospitals and
universities, it gives up some of its claim to be free of generally
applicable government policies and regulation.  I had thought that principle
was reasonably well settled.  Some might say, "well yes, if the religious
group is running a McDonald's franchise, that's different."  But why should
profit or tax status be the relevant consideration?   


Steve Sanders




[] On Behalf Of Alan Brownstein
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 10:27 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: Contraceptives and gender discrimination

I have to admit that as long as we are talking about private resources, I
have a hard time understanding the argument that there is no burden on
religious institutions here. The private resources of religious institutions
are dedicated to conduct obligated by or at least consistent with religious
beliefs and doctrine. How can it not be a burden on the institution's
religious liberty for the state to require those resources to be used in a
way that violates the religious principles to which the institution is


As for the analogy to taxes, I have always though there was a burden here
-although it is attenuated, difficult to mitigate, and probably overridden
by important state interests. But wouldn't a tax imposed on a class
including religious institutions that was earmarked for a specific purpose
-such as providing contraceptive services-raise a more difficult question?


Alan Brownstein


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