We continue to have interesting discussions here and elsewhere about topics 
relevant to the AALS Law and Religion Section Call for Papers, but we have 
reached the initial deadline and we have a too-small pool of submissions for a 
good peer-review selection.

The Program Committee has decided to EXTEND the deadline on the Call for Papers 
to September 1, 2013.  See below for full information — but feel free to email 
me directly. And trust me, I won't bother the list again with re-sending the 
call after this, but it's a likely source for possible authors. (If you know of 
other good avenues, please re-post the revised call there.)


On 8/1/13 9:39 PM, "Nichols, Joel A." 
<joel.nich...@stthomas.edu<mailto:joel.nich...@stthomas.edu>> wrote:

All the listserv's conversation on the contraception mandate, and the rolling 
of the calendar to August 1, prompt me to re-send this Call for Papers to the 
list. The initial deadline is August 15, although only an abstract is needed.

We are still definitely soliciting submissions and encourage those with 
thoughts on the mandate or other related issues to the topic to consider 
submitting an abstract or paper.



Section on Law and Religion

Call for Papers for January 2014 AALS Annual Meeting Program:

“Cooperating With Evil, Complicity with Sin”

>From Alan Brownstein and Joel Nichols, Program Chairs for AALS Section on Law 
>and Religion

The AALS Section on Law and Religion invites the submission of papers or 
abstracts (no more than 5 pages) for the purpose of selecting one or two 
speakers for a panel at the Section’s program at the January 2014 AALS annual 
meeting in New York. The program is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 4, 2014, from 
2:00-3:45. Other invited speakers will also be on the panel also. The program 
description follows:

What does it mean for religious believers and groups to refrain from 
“cooperating with evil”? When does involvement with government action rise to 
condoning it? And who decides whether a religious objector is “participating” 
in and thereby "complicit" with religiously objectionable conduct? Such 
questions play a central role in the HHS contraceptive mandate debate but they 
arise in other controversies as well – ranging from religious objections to 
same-sex marriage to the conscience claims of pharmacists opposed to stocking 
or selling abortifacients.

Numerous doctrinal issues are relevant to a discussion of this problem. These 
include whether allegations of moral complicity satisfy the “substantial 
burden” requirement a RFRA or free exercise claimant must satisfy, and how 
courts should take attenuated causation questions into account if a substantial 
burden is found to exist. Other questions relate to the concern that an 
expansive conception of moral complicity may extend so broadly that general 
accommodation statutes (or constitutional interpretations) would become 
unacceptable in their scope and unmanageable in their operation.  This panel 
will explore these and other problems arising from the relationship between 
conceptions of moral complicity and the evaluation of religious liberty claims 
under constitutional or statutory law.

Submission Deadline and Procedures: Deadline is September 1, 2013 August 15, 
2013. Abstracts should be submitted by email to Joel Nichols, Univ. of St. 
Thomas (MN) School of Law, 

Proposal Requirements: An abstract of not more than five pages, or a completed 

Presentation and Publication: Any speaker chosen from this call will be 
expected to produce an original substantial paper, or to have already produced 
a substantial paper, a draft of which  will be available to be posted on the 
AALS web site prior to the annual meeting and that will be published in the 
University of St. Thomas Law Journal (MN) during the 2013-14 academic year.

Selection and Eligibility: Selection will be by blind review. Under AALS rules, 
only full-time faculty members of AALS member law schools are eligible. Faculty 
at fee-paid law schools; foreign, visiting, and adjunct faculty members; 
graduate students; fellows; and non-law-school faculty are not eligible. AALS 
rules require any speaker to pay the annual meeting registration fee and travel 

Joel A. Nichols
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law
University of St. Thomas School of Law
1000 Lasalle Ave., MSL #400
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55403
(651) 962-4827 (tel.)
(651) 962-4996 (fax)


Articles and book chapters: http://ssrn.com/author=386894
Books:  Marriage and Divorce in a Multicultural Context: 
              Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment: 

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