Dear colleagues,

I would recommend Prof. Kevin Walsh’s post (here:
 on the issue with which Marty kicked off this thread a few days ago.  Kevin’s 
post is called “What does the form that the government insists the Little 
Sisters of the Poor must sign actually do?”

Of course, others have moved from the specific issues that Marty raised to more 
general (and always important) conversations about RFRA’s constitutionality and 
the moral desirability of Yoder, but I wanted to ask just a few things with 
respect to Greg Lipper’s report that Americans United for Separation of Church 
& State has filed a motion seeking to intervene in the University of Notre 
Dame’s lawsuit challenging the mandate.  (Although I am blessed to teach at 
Notre Dame, I have no role in the University’s lawsuit.)

I understand (though I do not agree with) the claim that, because Notre Dame is 
a large employer in the area, its right to refuse to provide coverage for 
contraceptives (in cases where a physician has not indicated that the 
contraceptives are medically indicated) to employees who do not embrace the 
Catholic Church’s teachings on sexual morality and abortion is limited.  That 
is, Notre Dame’s role and place in the market limits its right to say to 
employees “this is who we are, and if you want to work for us, you should 
expect that who we are will be relevant to the terms of our arrangement with 

With respect to students, though, it is harder for me to see why Notre Dame 
should not be able to say to prospective students (as Notre Dame does), “This 
is who we are.  If you come here – and you are welcome to, but you don’t have 
to – you should know that our character, mission, aspirations, and values will 
shape the terms of our arrangement with you.”   Is it the view of AU, or of 
others, that the Establishment Clause (or anything else) prevents the 
government from exempting a Catholic (or other mission-oriented) educational 
institution from an otherwise general rule in order to allow the institution to 
say (something like) this to students and the broader world – again, assuming 
that students who get into Notre Dame (a) have plenty of options and (b) know 
full well that Notre Dame aspires to a meaningfully Catholic character?



Richard W. Garnett
Professor of Law and Concurrent Professor of Political Science
Director, Program on Church, State & Society
Notre Dame Law School
P.O. Box 780
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556-0780
574-631-6981 (w)
574-276-2252 (cell)<>

To download my scholarly papers, please visit my SSRN 


Mirror of Justice<>

Twitter:  @RickGarnett<>

[] On Behalf Of Marci Hamilton
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 1:42 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Cc: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: The nonprofit contraception services cases

Marty-- could you please elaborate on your response?  I am not following this 


Marci A. Hamilton
Verkuil Chair in Public Law
Benjamin N. Cardozo Law School
Yeshiva University

On Jan 3, 2014, at 12:43 PM, Marty Lederman 
<<>> wrote:
They will -- the government realizes that its plan is undermined and is 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 3, 2014, at 12:08 PM, Ira Lupu 
<<>> wrote:
Why don't all these religious nonprofits choose Christian Brothers Services as 
their health insurer?  That way, certification or not, the employees will not 
receive the services to which the employer objects?  Something is missing from 
this narrative.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 3, 2014, at 10:56 AM, Marty Lederman 
<<>> wrote:
The government's brief in Little Sisters:

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Marty Lederman 
<<>> wrote:
Another post, this one about the nonprofit cases that have now wound their way 
to the Court . . .

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Marty Lederman 
<<>> wrote:
Since no one else has mentioned it, I will:
Eugene recently published a remarkable series of posts on the case -- so much 
there that virtually everyone on this listserv is sure to agree with some 
arguments and disagree with others.  It's an amazing public service, whatever 
one thinks of the merits.  He and I turned the posts into a single, 53-page 
(single-spaced!) Word document for your convenience:<>
I've just started my own series of posts on the case on Balkinization -- links 
to the first three below.  The second is about the thorny 
contraception/"abortifacient" issue (nominally) in play in the two cases the 
Court granted.  In the third post, I endeavor to explain that the case is 
fundamentally different from what all the courts and plaintiffs (and press) 
have assumed, because there is in fact no "employer mandate" to provide 
contraception coverage.
Thanks to those of you who have already offered very useful provocations and 
arguments on-list; I'd welcome further reactions, of course.

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