Can't stress this too often, apparently, since it doesn't seem to take

The alleged burden here is *not *about the expenditure of money; it's about
the choices.


On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 9:40 PM, Daniel J. Greenwood <> wrote:

>  Even if the Greens are shareholders or beneficiaries of a trust that
> holds the shares, they aren’t buying anything.  The funds used to purchase
> the insurance belong either to the corporation or its employees, depending
> on whether one is thinking about the moment before or after the employment
> contract (assuming that employment is at will, and subject to renegotiation
> at any moment, either view is plausible).   Similarly, if the corporation
> fails to purchase the insurance, the corporation, not the Greens, will be
> required to pay an assessment to partially offset the exchange subsidies.
> The corporation’s money is not the Greens’ money.  Corporate funds do not
> belong to shareholders, let alone beneficiaries of a trust that owns shares
> (if they are the trust’s beneficiaries).  To act otherwise is a gross
> violation of ordinary corporate law – basically, theft.   Shareholders have
> no claim to corporate assets unless the directors properly declare a
> dividend or dissolve the firm, and directors may take either of those
> actions only in furtherance of the corporation’s interests and after
> assuring that other, more senior, claimants to corporate assets (such as
> the employees and the IRS) have had their claims met.
> Surely Freedom of  Religion does not extend to protecting religiously
> motivated expropriation.  (And if it does, we can expect some interesting
> revelations in the near future.)
> The issue here is the rights of the corporation, not its directors or
> shareholders or beneficiaries of a trust holding shares.   The human beings
> have too attenuated a claim on the corporation’s assets for their rights to
> be at issue when it spends, or is compelled to spend, money.
> *From:* Marty Lederman []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:05 PM
> *To:* Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
> *Subject:* Re: "Divisiveness"
> I agree with Mark's correction that the complaint of the Greens is not
> that their employees' use of contraceptive burdens their religion.
> But it's also not that they have to "buy insurance that specifically
> covers the drugs."  For thing, the law doesn't require HL to offer an
> employee health insurance plan at all.  For another, the Greens aren't
> shareholders, and therefore aren't "buying" anything.  Hobby Lobby, Inc.
> --as opposed to the Greens-- is contracting for an insurance plan -- but of
> course that plan is not made available to their employees gratis; it is a
> part of their compensation package, provided in exchange for their labor,
> just like wages.
> The nature of the way in which the Greens are alleged to be required to
> act in violation of any religious obligations, therefore, is not at all
> obvious.
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