That's a hard question to answer.  Some preselectors are based upon the
physical package used for mobile duplexers, and may work just fine- but
they are not flexible.  I prefer to use an 8 inch bandpass cavity that I
can tune for almost any selectivity and insertion loss that I want.  If
you have a good preamp with, say, 10 dB of gain, you can set up a
bandpass cavity to be extremely narrow but with 5 dB insertion loss, and
you will still be far better off (+5 dB) than without the preamp and you
will have reduced the vulnerability to overload and desense.  At UHF,
with a 5 MHz split, the playing field is a lot different from that at
2m, with a 600 kHz split.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY


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