Howdy Dino regarding the preamp and filter.


First thing that sticks out is sweeping the line.  This is a good figure of merit for an antenna system and cable.  The process involves running a sweep across the band and a graphical representation of VSWR across the band.  The unit of measure is called rho, or return loss, Measured in dB.  There is a direct relation between return loss and VSWR, where a 25 dB return loss represents a very low standing wave ratio, and ideal was 28 to 30 db on microwave antennas.


A good return loss or low standing wave is an indication of a good antenna and feedline, needed for good duplex operation.


Noise figure is a measure of the inherent noise generated in an amplifier, and the result of several stages in cascade.  Each stage contributes gain and noise.  A low noise high gain amplifier ahead of several noisy stages can dramatically improve the overall noise figure of a receiver, and is one of the benefits of a low noise preamp.


At UHF the most common filter would be either a cavity or else a helical resonator.  A good quality BpBr duplexer ahead of the preamp might be just AOK, or else an additional cavity ahead of the preamp might be needed if there is much receiver desense.


A lot depends on other transmitters at the same or near by locations, and lots of cut and try is needed.







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