Ken Arck wrote:
> At 07:05 PM 12/6/2006, you wrote:
>> Ran Thunderbird for a while and didn't like it at all. Very unfriendly.
> <---Well in the past 2 weeks, I have been INUNDATED (literally 
> hundreds of 'em) with email after email informing me that my 
> supposedly sent emails can't be delivered for one reason or another. 
> Looking at the addresses that failed it is obvious that someone who 
> has my email in their address book is infected and spamming the crap 
> out of everyone. As is the case with most viruses, it spoofs the 
> email address it uses for the FROM tag.
> This kind of crap is a DIRECT RESULT of people using Outlook and not 
> being a) careful enough b) having no virus scanner c) being stupid 
> enough to allow scripts to be run within Outlook regardless.
> And while I think Outlook users should be drawn and quartered, I 
> think spammers and virus/worm/trojan authors should be slowly 
> tortured to death in the most painful and inhumane way possible.
> Anyway </END RANT>
> Ken 

RGR THAT...only thing worse is companies that mandate everyone use 
Outcrook for company business...

Jim Barbour

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