At 1/26/2007 16:09, you wrote: >The only thing I can say is try one for yourself. If you don't want to >spend the $50 or so on the Link-Comm unit (cheap in my opinion), you can >adapt a Micor audio/squelch board into a Mastr II, or get a chip off of a >board and build one of these circuits yourself - maybe for a little less: ><> > >Hope this helps... >Kevin Custer
Hmmm, that's an awfully big capacitor hanging off of pin 10. I assume that "COS out" is used to drive some visual indicator, as the 2.2 µF cap. will prevent really fast short squelch (< 3 millisecond) closing action. FWIW, I never use pin 10 at all; the circuit I've been using is at Bob NO6B