I did something of the sort using FRS radios on a hunting lease
where terrain did not allow everyone to communicate with
each other.  I tied the audio out put of one to the mic input 
of the other and vice versa. 

They were set in VOX mode and each radio was set to a different 
channel.  One group set their radios on one channel and the other 
used the other channel.  

The "repeater" was seperated by about 
3' vertically.  It was simple and cheesy but it worked.  

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Jan 30, 2007 7:26 AM
>To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Hand Held radios as repeaters
>Thanks Eric,
>It will be for experimental purposes mainly with a fairly low duty cycle. I 
>was looking at the UHF 470Mhz band because I can get radios cheap for those 
>freqs. I am not sure about the seperation.... I am not interested in large 
>power outputs, I am looking at 5w max.
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Eric Lemmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 2:17:28 PM
>Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Hand Held radios as repeaters
>            Greg,
>Is this going to be used for commercial or Amateur purposes?  What frequency
>band?  What separation between TX and RX?  Is the repeater intended for
>casual, low-duty-cycle purposes such as a family reunion or for
>high-duty-cycle purposes such as emergency support?  The answers to these
>question will be helpful in guiding you to a solution.
>73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com
>[mailto:Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of gregmrfs
>Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 8:04 AM
>To: Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com
>Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Hand Held radios as repeaters
>I want to build my first repeater using 2 hand held radios mounted in
>a Pelican case with a gel cell for power.
>I have no idea where to start or what is required to build the
>repeater. Can anyone give me some ideas on connecting the radios? So
>far I think I have to get 2 radios, case, battery. Do I need 2
>antennas or should I use a duplexer. I want this setup to be as basic
>as possible.
>Thanks in advance
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