I finally finished wiring in the CAT200 controller in my digital MSF5000 
tonight. Followed Bob, WA1MIK's directions in the website, the first time I 
fired it up after modifying the codeplug for the external controller, it talked 
to me! Was I excited. I sounded more like a teenager than the 63 year old kid I 
am (today 63 BTW).

Obviously, w/o Bob's many e-mail exchanges, I would not be at this point. His 
instructions on the MSF page to modify the repeater for the CAT controller are 
very easy to follow and he is to be commended along with the rest of the 
repeater-builder hams whose info I have used successfully.

Back late last year, I started this journey, not inexperienced in repeaters or 
this RF range (I am nearing retirement as a microwave engineer at Raytheon here 
in Dallas), but i knew absolutely nothing about rigs, repeaters, etc. on 900 
MHz. I found this website and forum thru Yahoo and a few months later, here I 
am. Looking back over the journey, it was not hard at all, even for me. But Bob 
provided the gentle guidance and prodding to get me where I am today. 
Hopefully, the repeater will be up on the TI tower (antenna around 400 ft. 
high) in mid February. 

Look for the W5RD/R DPL 432 on 927.1125 MHz if you come thru town. The TI club 
also has repeaters on 145.43, 224.18 and 444.025 MHz on the same tower.

Roger W5RD

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