--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "Jeff DePolo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Are you doing these tests while using an outboard controller?
PA is into a dummy load so I don't think it's RF. 

Haven't disconnected the PA but will try as soon as it gets a little
warmer. It is putting out full power though.

I don't think it made any difference pluging the mic in.

This is with just the built in controller.

Yep, pretty sure with all but the 10v card it stays keyed. All the
cards work in my other station so they seem to be OK.

Can you think of anything outside of the cards that would keep it keyed?


> Does it do it with the PA output connected directly to a dummy load?
> wondering if you have excessive RF floating around that's somehow
> into the logic circuitry.
> Does it do it with PA disconnected from the exciter?  I'm wondering
if the
> power supply voltage is crashing under load, causing strange behavior in
> logic circuits.
> Does it do it if you key the station using the mic?
> If you have already, pull all of the cards out of the cage except
for the
> 10V regulator and key the station that way.  Does it still hang up?
> Sounds like a real mystery...

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