>Is LMR-400 a good coax to use for my 70cm repeater feedline. My 
>feedline is 130 feet long and located at my house. Should I really go 
>?to hardline and replace my LMR-400 feedline? If so what diameter? 
>Will it really be worth the cost and trouble to run it through my 
>attic and into my house?

  It is a wise move. I used about 75ft of LMR-400 to get my UHF machine on the 
air in a pinch. This install unfortunately became permanent. For a while the 
LMR is OK but after about a year or so in the weather you start getting duplex 
noise occasionaly in the machine. For a 130ft run Andrews LDF4-50A (1/2") or 
eqivalent is fine. If you want to spend the extra money LDF5-50A (7/8") is a 
lot thicker/stiffer but has about .8db of loss for 100ft @ 440MHz. 
>Your article indicates that some LMR-nnn coax are OK for cabinet 
>connections. Is LMR-400 Ultraflex a good choice for cabinet 
>connections? I am using RG-142B/U now for my duplexer connections (an 
>Angle Linear custom made duplexer, bandpass cavities, and preamp). 
>Should I use RG-142/B/U for my (30 inch long) Tx to duplexer run 

  The RG-142 is OK for duplexer cabling. Only improvement here would be to go 
to RG-214. As far as equipment jumpers RG-214 would be the better bet 
especially for the TX side of the duplexer.
>I would like to keep my new Daiwa CN-801 (UHF connectors) SWR Power 
>meter in the Tx line permanently. Is this a good idea? It is 
>comforting to see the power and SWR at a glance.

  Bad Idea. The Daiwa is a nice meter, but is not exactly the best shielded 
device in the world. Especially with "UHF" SO-239 connectors on the back. Just 
adding more loss and another source of noise/desense in the cabinet.
>I am using a Diamond X510MA (17 feet long with a UHF connector) dual 
>band antenna at 65 feet high. Should I be using a different antenna 
>for my repeat operation? If so, what antenna?

  The Diamond is fine in my book (prefer with N connector but whatever is 
available). If you want to go commercial grade, the RFS PD-1151 is the 
equivalent to the 510. Otherwise if you want to really look for the horizon 
with the most gain, the Andrew or RFS 22ft 10dbd verticals are really nice.
>Is the Kenwood TKR-850 repeater a good unit. I just ordered one to 
>replace my Micors. I have nursed my two Micors for the last year, and 
>just gave up on them. One problem after another on both units.

  The 850 is better than a micor (not trying to start a holy war with this one 
guys) in the long run. It is new, synthesized, and best of all, new. Never had 
a problem with one before.  
>Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions

  You got em'.
  Good luck, Andy 

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