At 09:37 PM 04/15/07, you wrote:

I think our Micor must have been properly converted because it has been on the air for about 25 years according to the original owner who I talk with 2 weeks ago. Our Micro is on 2 meters and has a 70 cm receiver in the cabinet who's frequency I don't know. Need to find that out!!

The main reason for a possible change of equipment is the possibility of some digital work later on.

Thanks for the pointers.


Digital is no problem with the Micor - it's a direct FM transmitter and in
fact was made in a digital paging version called a PURC.  I've seen the
PURC exciter schematic and they simply injected the digital modulation
into the DPL encoder input.... theres more to it than that but that's the
gist of it.

Years ago I put a pager decoder on a Micor receiver and as long as
the AFC was disabled I had no problems decoding the digital data
off the discriminator.


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