Took a couple of antique GE Phoenix SX mobile radios.  Programmed for 442.0/
447.0.  With TOT. Carrier Squelch - Took Receiver Un Squelched lead to PTT
thru a one transistor keying transistor.

Took VOL / SQ Hi and ran it thru a single common emitter stage - bipolar amp
and applied the collector output to the high side of the TX deviation
control and set for +/- 1 Khz TXD.  Did have to bypass the emitter leg of
the single stage amp and wallah - DSTAR Repeater - sort of.  Maybe P25
repeater too?  Simple - really do need to regenerate the data signal and key
on detected data with a CCD chip to give the preamble tone time to get thru.

Until P25 radios become ham affordable I don't think they will be mainstream
ham radio.  I believe there is still a pretty hefty payment to Moto for use
of the P25 standard, but I may be wrong.

Steve NU5D

On 4/24/07, Jim B. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

James wrote:
> Bryon Jeffers K0BSJ wrote:
>> Well I will agree with Nate on this one.. The crazy D-Star will only do
>> it's AMBE digital and will not pass analog voice...
>> At least when using a Quantar/Quantro with P25 capability you can set
it up
>> with CAI (Clear Air Interface)/P25 IMBE and it will do either analog
> PSST ... hey there ... :)  Doesn't CAI stand for Common Air
Interface.  (Thats
> the Astro IMBE that all the manufacturers support, wheras BIG M used to
have the
> AMBE version)

Yup! But don't use the term Astro. Astro is a Motorola trademark, like
Private Line (PL)!

IMBE is the vocoder chip type, and has nothing to do with Motorola. The
original Astro used a VSLEP vocoder chip, and is not supported by
Motorola anymore.

> Ahhh ... the wonderful world of acronyms!!
> James

Boy, is THAT an understatement!!!!

Jim Barbour

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