As I just posted, it seems even encryption is no longer prohibited.

My reply was based on the rules as they existed a year ago. They
changed. See my recent post for details.

Joe M.

Jim B. wrote:
> mch wrote:
> > Wrong. If it's not an open protocol, it's not legal in the ham band.
> >
> > If AOR's is not an open standard, it too would not be legal.
> >
> > The fact that a unit only works with other like units does not matter.
> > After all, D-Star only talks with D-Star, and P25 with P25.
> >
> > Joe M.
> >
> So sorry, but not true. If anyone can program up a radio that has that
> feature, and monitor, without any kind of key, it's not encrypted.
> Remember, the key word is encrypted, not public.
> It's been tested already.
> --
> Jim Barbour

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