On Jun 16, 2007, at 8:27 PM, Paul Finch wrote:

> Steve,
> Had a question from one of the guys, does D-star have NAC codes? or  
> use IP? Do we need to stress the need to coordinate or organize the  
> NAC and access codes.
> Paul

Not sure how this relates to the tower thread, Paul -- but the answer  
is no.  The repeater callsign is used for "access", from everything  
I've read.  Also you MUST have a club callsign for the repeater if  
the ham that owns it wants to access it.  (His user radio would have  
his callsign, the repeater must have its own.)

D-Star has nothing like the P-25 system with a NAC, or "pseudo-NAC"  
like the ones defined in the specification that act like carrier  
squelch systems and allow all users with digital signals through the  

It also has no talk groups to speak of.  A shame, really.

It's not a very well thought-out protocol for the typical uses of  

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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