Decibel did make a 6 cavity notch duplexer - 4" full sized cavities - 
that would work nicely on a 110 Watt  M2 station @ 600 kHz.  Isolated
TEE test into a dummy load - how bad is the receiver desense ?  If you
don't have some test equipment - signal gen, dummy load, and a TEE
fitting with the side pin cut away (makes 60 dB lossy coupling, there
abouts) you probably will need to find someone who does locally that can
help.  73,  Steve NU5D

Eric Lemmon wrote:
> Vern,
> Did this problem exist before you had the duplexer tuned?  Was anything at
> all done to your repeater system just before the problem was noticed?
> A band reject (notch) duplexer may be incapable of performing even
> satisfactorily at 2m.  Please advise the model number of your duplexer, so
> we can understand your situation.  Are all of your cables double-shielded?
> It might be a good idea to perform a noise-floor test using an "iso-tee" and
> a service monitor.
> Some helpful information about investigating desense problems can be found
> here:
> <>
> 73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

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